Catching Up

I have been silent for far too long, & this is mostly due to my distaste for blogging from my phone.

I'll explain.

Old Bessie, my laptop, is on her last leg. She's overheating every time I turn her on (an action that now takes 15+ minutes). Her webpages aren't loading. She's whirring & whining, & it makes my heart hurt just to look at her.

So, yes, technically, I could blog from my phone, but I really prefer writing on computers, because I am a perfectionist, & I like to know that the format I write this in is the format it stays in. OCD, I know.

So here I am, putting off the inevitable laptop purchase, & typing on a borrowed computer in my fringe hours.

Forgive me, friend.

Last time we talked, I was doing some big-time processing, & -- I'm sure you could tell -- sorely in need of balance.

I've come a long way.

Nothing is wasted in the Kingdom of God. I love that. He took that burdened girl who was mourning the loss of her free spirit, & He lifted her head.

I still sit in that rocking chair & sip tea.

There's a handkerchief in the pocket of my thick sweater.

I'm still cold.

Friends my own age call me Grandma Yidia, & I have just laughed & accepted the new title.

I've grown up in a lot of ways, but I still have the spunky spark in me.

And I think that that is so pleasing to God.

Surely, He wants us to die to our old sinful selves. But, He also gave us quirks & passions that He worked into His plan for our lives.

I imagine Him looking down on me as I'm writing a poem, & telling me, "Yes! That's it. I didn't birth that in you just for you to leave it dormant; I love that you're using that - it's one of My favorite things about you ... P.S. I have so many favorite things about you."

It's exciting. He's showing me ways to use the quirky bits, as well as the lessons that I've learned in the trials, for Kingdom purposes. How amazing is that?

I get to sketch to fund the dream He's planted in my heart. I get to say yes to some pretty incredible things. I get to have dance parties while cleaning the house. It's so beautiful.

I love the redemptive power of this Jesus of ours.

How about you? How have you been?

Is there any area in your life that could use the touch of Jesus to bind together your heart & your situation?

Pray with me:

Lord Jesus,
This life can be hard & heavy. It feels like joy can get pushed to the wayside & get forgotten so easily. I stress as I struggle. Jesus, help me to run to You. Help my response to adversity to be one that worships & honors You. You are holy & Your plans are always good. Spur my heart on, Jesus; help it to catch up to where I am right now in Your plan. Give me strength for the things You have called me to, & help me not to do them in a spirit of religion, but a Spirit of Love. Your perfect love is strong enough to cast out my fears & worries. Your plan is steadfast & sure. You are Faithful & True, & You will see me through. I can trust in You. Help my unbelief! In the Name of Jesus, Amen.


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